Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Relaxing, Renewing, and Refreshing the Mind

Now we have another good reason to take breaks, to make time to rest and relax.  A number of recent studies show that people who sleep seven plus hours a night, take daytime naps, and go on regular vacations perform significantly better than people who don’t.   It makes sense and shouldn’t surprise us:  Who does well at anything when they’re burned out and exhausted?  Still, as Tony Schwartz points out in a recent New York Times article, “Relax!  You’ll Be Productive”, “When we’re under pressure, most of us experience the impulse to push harder rather than rest.”  Nevertheless, what Schwartz calls “strategic renewal” turns out to be crucial.   It reminds me of how someone I know once spent an entire Saturday sitting on her couch watching TV – she couldn’t make herself do anything else, not even change out of her pajamas – then the next day she had the most productive day of her life. (See Grappling with Procrastination, Or Letting the Monkey Off Its Chain.)
            Like I said, none of that is particularly surprising, though it might be hard to put into action.  What’s more interesting in the article is news of another discovery:  the brain follows a pattern of roughly 90-minute cycles, both when you’re asleep and when you’re awake.  When you’re asleep you move from light to deep sleep and back out again every 90 minutes, and when you’re awake you move from “a state of alertness progressively into physiological fatigue approximately every 90 minutes.”  So your body wants you to take a break every hour and a half, and, according to one study, “the best performers typically practice in uninterrupted sessions that last no more than 90 minutes.”
            Without knowing any of that, I decided, when I started working as a writing coach, to meet with my clients for telephone sessions lasting an hour and a half.   And I’ve found that that little formula works great:  It’s hard to get much done in only an hour, but any longer than an hour and a half and the client and I both start feeling our powers of concentration waning. Tony Schwartz, author of the New York Times article I refer to above, says he wrote two books, each one in less than six months, by writing in three uninterrupted 90-minute writing sessions a day.  He also says he learned that “it’s not how long but how well, you renew that matters most.  Even renewal requires practice.” 
            This is the part of the article that most intrigues me.  It would be great if we could all work in 90-minute sessions and take breaks in between, and I, for one, intend to put this advice into practice even more than I already am, whenever I can.  (So, for example, I think I’ll start writing in hour-and-a-half chunks of time instead of two hour ones.)  But what if you can’t take breaks every hour and a half, or your life is so hectic you can’t even remember you’re supposed to take breaks every hour and a half?
            Maybe we need to start simple and just focus on the idea of strategic renewal.  I think that for many of us, the real stumbling block is feeling like it’s okay to stop working for a while.  Work – not just job work but life work too, the work of running errands, paying bills, catching up on whatever there is to do – is like water:  Wherever there’s an opening, there’s more that can rush in and fill in the gap.  I’ve noticed that on my days off from coaching, I find myself thinking that I should be writing, and if I take a day off from both coaching and writing, I think about all the other stuff I could/should do:  catching up with laundry, cleaning the house, doing my filing, and so forth.  And there’s probably even another wave of could/should do’s in my life beyond that (painting the kitchen, building a website, etc).   So to really take a break – i.e., practice strategic renewal – I have to consciously build a dam to hold back all that work:  I have to pick a time when I’m going to rest and make myself stick to it.   I have to build boundaries around that time by not scheduling appointments during it no matter how urgently I might feel they’re needed (after all, I can put those appointments in some other time slot, it’s not like I’m completely ignoring them); by not caving in and doing something other people want or need me to do; by not allowing my anxiety about everything that’s on my plate (yuck, I hate that expression) to keep me from taking that break.  Of course, there are times when real emergencies or even just important contingencies crop up and it only makes sense to turn my attention to them instead of, say, lying on my daybed reading a novel.  But most of the time that’s not really what’s going on; most of the time I’m just caving in for whatever reason -- changing my mind about, giving up on, or even forgetting about my strategic renewal time before it happens. 
It helps to know that we’re actually doing something good instead of something bad by doing nothing for a while, as we now know from Tony Schwartz’s article – we’re helping ourselves and even others, increasing our productivity, boosting our health, improving our job performances.   Still, it may not be that easy to remember that when the time comes to lie down on the daybed and ignore everything else that’s calling out for your attention.  (If it’s a child that wants your attention maybe you can take a break by watching a movie, playing a game, or doing some other restful mindless thing with them.)  
I have found that practice makes perfect; the more I set aside times for breaks the more able I am to stick to them.   And I’ve found that the more I think, talk, and write about how breaks are important and necessary, for me and everyone else, the more I actually begin to believe it.
So what about resting effectively, renewing well, as Tony Schwartz says he has learned over time to do?  One of his ways of “rapidly and deeply” quieting his mind and relaxing his body is going running.  Running doesn’t sound restful to me, but I’m willing to entertain the possibility that it could be for someone else.  A long time ago I learned that I have the ability to take power naps pretty much at will, where I lie down and sleep for exactly one-half hour and wake up feeling completely refreshed, like I’ve erased my mental blackboard and now there’s room to write on it again.  Lying around reading novels is another way I love to rest, so an ideal break for me involves a power nap followed by some reading.   (It has to be novel-reading, the more compulsively readable the novel the better; non-fiction feels like work.) 
Whatever we do to renew, the most important thing, it seems to me, is to not think obsessively or even at all about what else we should be doing, all the things we have to do, while we’re resting.  It’s our minds more than our bodies that really need to rest.  So we should try to avoid guilt, worry, anxiety, we should cut down on decision fatigue and all the other mental fatigues, by erasing our mental blackboards for a while, maybe by meditating, or reading a novel or watching some dumb movie, by going running, or by going to sleep. 
                                                            -- Mary Allen

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